Signature Identification
Don’t recall when you purchased your Signature Door or where? Using a unique serial number system, we can reference the details of your entryway for years to come.
Signature Identification
Don’t recall when you purchased your Signature Door or where? Using a unique serial number system, we can reference the details of your entryway for years to come.
Every entryway manufactured by Signature Door Inc. receives a Signature Seal embedded into the jamb frame. This coin contains a serial number that coincides to your unique, Signature entryway.
Hurricane-rated entryways manufactured starting in 2009, and all entryways manufactured starting in 2011 are able to be tracked to their archived information. Every detail from drawings to hardware selection can be recalled at a moment’s notice.
In addition to the benefit of easily-accessible, archived information, a Signature Seal gives you the comfort of knowing that you own a genuine Signature product. If “imitation is the sincerest form of flattery”, then we have been flattered many times.
Signature Seal History
Unsure if your Signature Door is authentic? Below are official coins utilized by Signature Door Inc. in the past, ranging from the late 1990s to present day.
Additionally, here are some examples of counterfeit coins that have been reported. If you would like to report a counterfeit product, please contact us at (800) 741-2265. Thank you for your cooperation.