Frequently Asked Questions
Answers to some of the commonly asked questions concerning our product.
How do I purchase your product?
Our products can be purchased through Signature Door Authorized Dealerships. You can find out more from our “Contact” page.
What is your warranty?
For warranty information on our products, you can visit our “Documentation” page and view the “Warranties” section.
What are the maintenance requirements for your wood products?*
For our wood products, maintenance is contingent upon the level of weather (particularly sun) exposure. Entryways with an adequate overhang may only require maintenance every couple of years. Entryways with no overhang protection may require maintenance multiple times a year. Though Signature Door Inc.’s manufacturing methods are some of the best in the industry, finish topcoat deterioration due to weather exposure is the number one reason for wood entryway failure, and Signature Doors are no exception. Finish topcoats regulate the amount of moisture content in the wood, preventing it from warping, swelling, and bowing due to excessive levels of moisture content or lack thereof. Maintenance of the topcoat is crucial to the longevity of your entryway. For more information about maintenance, see the “Maintenance” section of our “Documentation” page.
*For customers that would like a painted entryway with a guaranteed 10-year warranty despite exposure, we offer an engineered wood product utilizing Signature “SureDoor” construction. See “I don’t have an overhang on my entryway; what solution do you have?” below for more info.
*For customers that would like a painted entryway with a guaranteed 10-year warranty despite exposure, we offer an engineered wood product utilizing Signature “SureDoor” construction. See “I don’t have an overhang on my entryway; what solution do you have?” below for more info.
I don’t have an overhang on my entryway; what solution do you have?
If you have minimal or no overhang on your entryway and don’t want to worry about voiding the warranty or extensive maintenance, you may want to consider a painted entryway utilizing “SureDoor” construction. Using an engineered wood byproduct, our “SureDoor” entryways are guaranteed to last for 10-years despite no overhang or maintenance schedule. You can find out more about our SureDoor Weather-Resistant Entryways on our “Weather Resistant” page.
What if I don’t find the door I want on your website?
Every Signature Door is manufactured on a custom, per-order basis; so if you don’t see what you want, no problem! You can choose elements from multiple pictures, catalogs, or web pages and combine them into your very own “Signature” entryway. The pictures you see on our website are merely meant to inspire your creativity. What is perfect for one customer may not be suitable for the next. Our goal is to display to you the extent to which our manufacturing capabilities reach. We are constantly innovating with every new project or challenge our customers entrust us to solve. Be sure to check out our extensive and carefully-curated picture galleries on our “Galleries” page.
How long is the quoting, ordering, and manufacturing process?
Every entryway manufactured by our company is unique, and therefore, so is the process to bring our customer’s dreams to fruition. We’ve had quoting and ordering processes that last as short as two weeks or as long as two years! Our goal is to allow you the necessary time to tweak, critique, and alter every detail of your proposed entryway until you are perfectly satisfied with the result. Once an entryway is approved for production, manufacturing lead times can range from 5 to 14 weeks depending on the specifications, with the average falling generally in the 6 to 8 week range. To begin the process of quoting your very own “Signature” entryway, contact us to obtain an Authorized Dealer today
Do you offer repair and installation services?
Signature Door Inc. does not offer repair or installation services. We are strictly a manufacturing facility based in Central Pennsylvania. Installation services can generally be offered or coordinated by our Authorized Dealerships. To get in touch with a local Authorized Dealer, see our “Contact” page.
Do you manufacture overhead garage doors?
Of the many products Signature Door is capable of offering, overhead garage doors is not a market we have explored as of yet. We have manufactured carriage garage doors, however. You can view some of these projects in our “Carriage” photo gallery.